PYRCA | 3.0mm platform |
PGRCA | 4.5mm platform |
PBRCA | 5.7mm platform |
Use to fabricate cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses. Indicated for anterior, esthetic zone. Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). Yttria-stabilized Zirconia. Final torque: 30Ncm.
PYREA | 3.5mm platform |
PGREA | 4.5mm platform |
PBREA | 5.7mm platform |
Use to fabricate cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses. Also used with a Ball-top
Screw for a closed-tray, hex-timed transfer. Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium
Alloy. TiN coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm.
PYRAA | 3.5mm platform |
PGRAA | 4.5mm platform |
PBRAA | 5.7mm platform |
Use to fabricate cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses. Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium Alloy. TiN coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm.
TP3AEA | 3.0mm platform (Wide Emergence) |
PYAEA | 3.5mm platform (Wide Emergence) |
PGAEA | 4.5mm platform (Wide Emergence) |
PBAEA | 5.7mm platform (Wide Emergence) |
Use to create a cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses. When a Laser-Lok component is used and temporarily
removed, keep the component in sterile saline until reinserting into the site. Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium Alloy.
TiN coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm.